
Cable Cubby 1400

Series/2 Cable Access Enclosure for AV Connectivity and AC Power
This product has been retired. Suggested Replacement:
Key Features
  • Accommodates one Series/2 AC 100 Series or AC+USB 200 Series Power Module, plus three Retractors, eight AV cables, or three AAP- Architectural Adapter Plates, per side
  • Double-sided enclosure provides convenient access to AV connectivity and AC power from either side of a table or other work surface
  • Patented modular design for fast assembly and serviceability
  • Retractor bracket, Cable Pass-Through bracket, and AAP bracket included; Retractor modules, cables, and AAP plates sold separately
  • Retractor Brackets hold three Retractor Series/2 or Retractor Series/2 XL cable retraction modules
  • Connectivity Bracket supports up to three single-space AAPs
  • All Features
(Shown with Optional Extron Products)